How To : Mom Bun Tutorial

What You’ll Need:

  • Super Easy Mum Bun
  • Hair elastic or scrunchie
  • Bobby pins
  • Hairspray


#Step 1:

Use a hair elastic to wrap your wrist. After that, style your hair in a high ponytail (not too high, but around the crown of your head). Create your bun by twisting and twirling your hair around the base of the pony while holding it securely in place with one hand. To keep in position, use a hair elastic.

#Step 2:

Place the Super Easy Mum Bun over your natural bun, and push the internal combs into your bun. Next tighten the pull string to secure the Super Easy Mum Bun, and conceal the pull string by tucking it in at the base of the bun.

#Step 3:

Next tighten the pull string to secure the Super Easy Mum Bun, and conceal the pull string by tucking it in at the base of the bun.

#Step 4:

Wrap the loose section of hair around the base of the bun and use the bobby pins to secure it. Apply a little coat of hairspray before leaving.