In the up and coming summer months we are going to start experiencing some hot weather and if you're taking your extensions on holiday you will definitely need to keep cool in the baking sun.
If you do not want to keep taking your hair extensions out and putting them back in then there are other ways you can style your hair to keep yourself cool to prevent overheating and protect your extensions from the ocean water and swimming pool chlorine. A tip for all of these hairstyles is to apply heat protection and UV protection spray to prevent heat damage while being in direct sunlight. In this article we will be giving you plenty of hair inspo while keeping up with the summer hair trends.
A hairstyle you can do to keep your hair out of the way of your face and off your back is to put your hair into a braid.

For this you won't need to adjust your extensions they can stay where they are. To keep any flyaways tame you could put an anti-frizz lotion onto your natural hair and then continue with braiding. Don't put the anti-frizz lotion on your synthetic extensions as they do not need it only apply it to your extensions if you have human hair extensions.
The next style you can do to keep yourself cool in the summer heat is to put your extensions into a bun this is the most protective to prevent your hair from sun damage.

Stranded curly scrunchie bun and stranded super easy mum bun
Putting your hair extensions into a bun will give full proof protection from the heat as it is off your back and out of the way of your face but it will also help prevent your hair from coming into contact with suncream, chlorine and sea water. If you want a high bun it is best to apply your extensions with the clips facing in an upward direction so the extension hair is flowing in the same direction as your natural hair when putting your hair up into the bun. You could also opt for a bun extensions piece.
TOP TIP: If you have human hair extensions apply a leave-in conditioner to the extensions to prevent the hair from drying out from extensive sun exposure. This will also prevent any damage from any contact with suncream or pool water.
If you like to wear your hair extensions down instead of up, one way you can style your hair is to apply a headband!

Not only will this keep your long luscious locks out of your face but it will also stop any sweat from touching your hair and ruining your hairstyle. The humid weather can make your natural hair frizzy so putting on. cute headband can cover up any frizz whilst also looking stylish and adding volume at the root. This is one of the quickest and easiest methods of keeping cool in the warmer weather without having to be a professional hair stylist.
You can keep your hair out of the way and stay keeping cool by putting your hair extensions up into a ponytail!

Stranded long straight clip-in pony
If your in between washes and want a slick look on holiday this is a great style for you to look glam while staying cool. A key step to keep your hair slick applying a hair mask, coconut oil or other hair oils will help your hair to stay in place in the humid climate. These products also will give your hair a protective barrier against the hot weather drying your hair out from excessive heat. To put your extensions into a ponytail instead of applying your extensions in the direction you normally would, turn your extensions upside down. You want the extensions to be flowing upwards with the direction of your hair when tying up. Or you could opt for a clip in ponytail extension.
Heat exposure can damage your hair extensions as well as your natural hair. It is important to use some of these protective hairstyles and treat your extensions with care otherwise some irreversible damage could be done. If you have found this article helpful why not check out some of our other articles.