Self care is the phrase on everyone’s lips and, let’s be honest, all over those aesthetic Instagram reels we all love. But is anyone actually explaining what self care is and why it is so important to practise it?
At Stranded Hair Group, we are built on the foundations of confidence, because when women feel confident, they can take over the world! However, whilst looking good on the outside may make you feel fantastic, like when you wear our clip-in extensions, it doesn’t always equate to feeling good on the inside too!
That’s why we write blogs, just like this one. We believe that education is the groundwork for confidence, whether that be learning how to care for your hair, your extensions or your own wellbeing.
In this blog, you will learn what self care is, why it is so important to practise it, the top 6 ways to practise self care and our top tips to make self care work for you. By the end, you feel ready to prioritise your confidence and find yourself in healthy routines, that help you feel like you again.
What is self care?

Whilst self care is now a very popular term, especially in the world of Instagram aesthetics, it is not a new concept. Self care is simply just as it sounds - taking care of yourself.
The concept of self care is all about consciously doing things that will help improve or preserve your mental and physical health; trying to deliberately make it a part of your daily or weekly routines.
Why is self care important?
Self care is incredibly important, because ultimately it is only you who has the power to look after you and your mental and physical health.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, practising self care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness and help increase your overall physical and mental energy.
6 ways to practise self care

As the word ‘self care’ is so incredibly broad, it may be difficult to decide where to start.
Self care is not one size fits all, and therefore you should look at breaking down which areas of your life need self care, rather than what specific activities to do or actions to take.
Your self care routine could be wholly focused on one area, or it could combine multiple areas into a small daily or weekly routine.
Caring for your physical wellbeing
Practising self care for your physical wellbeing will help keep you active and healthy. Caring for your physical wellbeing can look like:
- Exercising
- Going on a walk
- Eating healthy foods
- Getting enough sleep
- Drinking water
- Having a bath or shower
- Taking vitamins and supplements
Caring for your mental and emotional wellbeing
Self care for your mental and emotional wellbeing will help you stay calm and regulated. Caring for your mental and emotional wellbeing can look like:
- Setting goals (big or small)
- Reading self-help books
- Journalling or keeping a diary
- Mindfulness and positive thinking
- Manifesting and positive affirmations
- Speaking to a therapist
- Letting your emotions out (like having a good cry)
Creating a calm, gentle environment for yourself
Creating a calm, gentle environment for yourself will help you feel safe, grounded and at peace. Creating this environment can look like:
- Making your bed every morning
- Tidying and organising
- Decluttering
- Changing up your scenery
- Creating a work-free zone
- Having soft music playing
- Lighting a candle
Staying social
Staying social will help improve your mental health and face any social anxieties you may have. Staying social can look like:
- 1 on 1 time with a loved one
- Staying connected to people you care about (in person or online)
- Messaging a loved one for a catch up
- Limiting time with negative people and setting healthy boundaries
- Spending quality time with groups of people
- Reaching out to your support networks and being a part of someone else’s
- Getting involved in communities (in person or online)
Making time for the things you enjoy
Finding time to do the things that you enjoy will give you time to relax and improve your moods. These could be things like:
- Going travelling
- A movie day or going to the cinema
- Being creative
- Spending time in nature
- Reading and writing
- Pampering yourself
- Playing board games and puzzles
Meeting your spiritual needs
Your spiritual needs are often a core foundation of who you are. Dedicating time to meet these spiritual needs will help you feel more aligned with yourself and at peace. Meeting your spiritual needs can look like:
- Mediating or breathwork
- Going to a place of worship
- Spending time with people of the same beliefs
- Finding time for self-reflection
- Reading your core, spiritual texts
- Learning about other spiritual beliefs
- Journaling how your beliefs align with what you’re currently facing
Top tips for practising self care

Here are our top tips on how to make practising self care a piece of cake!
- Make a self care routine that is easy for you to add into your daily life
- Try to make a routine that meets the needs of all the different areas of your life that needs support
- Don’t over complicate things - a simple routine is one you will do more regularly
- Avoid repeating pointless tasks if you don’t feel like they’re helping - self care isn’t one size fits all
Prioritise your confidence, today!
You came to this article looking to learn about what self care actually is and how it will benefit you. Since reading, you have learnt what self care is, why it’s important, the top 6 ways to practise it and our top tips to making self care work for you.
But what now?
At Stranded, our top priority is making our customers feel confident. And whilst we know that our clip-in extensions make a lot of women feel that way, especially on the outside, we also know that the inside sometimes requires a little extra help. That’s why we write blogs, just like this one!
Feel confident with Stranded Hair Group
If this blog helped you learn how to prioritise your confidence, read more on the Stranded Blog! We have a wide range of articles from hair care to self care, helping you feel confident, whatever the occasion.
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