When you walk into a room, sometimes it could be the worst feeling in the world to have all the attention on you. However, when you walk into an environment, whether it’s a singles night looking for Mr. Right or a work function where you’re ready for your next big promotion, you need to command attention and make yourself stand out.
For a lot of people, actively trying to make themselves stand out from the crowd doesn’t come naturally - it definitely doesn’t for me! But there are times when it’s needed, and this article will help you find your confidence and face what could be such a daunting experience.
At Stranded Hair Group, we know that as much as looking good on the outside can have a huge impact on a woman’s self-esteem, it doesn’t always create confidence in who they are as a person. Confidence is something that is grown within us and, for some, takes time and effort to create.
But that’s why we write blogs - just like this one! Our commitment to confidence motivates us to help our customers feel as good on the inside as our products do on the outside.
In this article, you will learn what makes a person stand out, why it’s important to do so and 8 easy ways you can create inner confidence and command the attention of everyone in the room. By the end, you will be ready to face your next daunting environment, knowing you have the toolkit to be THAT woman - the woman who stands out from the crowd.
What makes a person stand out?

A person stands out by the way they present themselves - but this can go one of two ways.
Standing out in the crowd, in a positive way, is about being someone others want to be around and naturally gravitate towards. This person knows who they are, their skills and what makes them important - all backed by an unwavering confidence in those facts and themselves.
Why is it important to make yourself stand out?

Whether you’re searching for Mr. Right in the crowd or aiming to ace a job interview, you need to have confidence in yourself and make yourself stand out above other people. Making yourself stand out is what will help get you noticed.
Being unapologetically and confidently yourself is what is going to attract people around you and make them interested in what you have to offer.
8 ways to make yourself stand out in a crowd

There are so many ways you can make yourself stand out in a crowd, but the true success of this is to hone in on your strengths.
In each of the 8 ways to make yourself stand out, below, you will be able to recognise a strength that you have. It is your job, then, to double down on these qualities of yours and bring them to the crowd:
Your intellect
What is it that you know so much about? What would the people around you be interested in hearing about?
Use your intellect to draw people’s attention to you. Whether that be a fact you know about the bar you’re in or information you’ve recently learned about a charity your company works with, find a suitable common ground that people will be interested in learning more about!
Your confidence
Do you look like someone who knows and trusts in who they are?
Whatever you do, whether that be focusing on talking, eye contact or body language, you have to show that you are sure of who you are and what you are doing.
How you position yourself
Where are you placing yourself in this crowd?
When you want to make yourself stand out, you need to do so around people who are going to be interested in you. The truth of the matter is that not everyone is going to be interested in what you have to say. Use your knowledge and people skills to gravitate towards people of similar interests.
When you feel comfortable around people, your confidence will skyrocket! Don’t put yourself in positions where you know you will feel uncomfortable.
Your body language
Is your body saying the same thing as you are?
Body language shows the real you. If you’re standing around people playing with a pen, have your arms crossed or on your phone, you aren’t someone people will gravitate towards. Imagine yourself like a tree. Stand tall, open and inviting. Use your hands for gestures, not as an armour to protect yourself.
Your facial expressions
What is your face telling people?
Facial expressions are a lot like body language, but even more obvious. When you talk and listen, your facial expressions show a reaction to the information you’re digesting. Facial expressions show people how you care about what others are saying, and how passionate you are about your own topics.
Sometimes, there will be cases where the topic doesn’t interest you. However, you should always maintain expressions that show you’re engaged and listening. Positive facial expressions include maintaining eye contact, smiling or keeping neutral, where necessary.
The way you walk
Does your entrance and exit into a group command attention?
The way someone walks says a lot about a person, and to stand out, you want a commanding entrance and exit everywhere you go.
Whilst it may seem simple, you should always move with purpose and confidence. Shuffling out of a situation is not going to make you stand out, or it may but for the wrong reasons. A straight back, positive demeanour and strong strides are what scream confidence in these situations.
Your attitude and energy
Are you behaving like someone you would want to interact with?
The attitude and energy you bring to the room are always going to make you stand out, for good or bad. If you have a really negative attitude and you’re bringing people down, you will be noticed for that. However, your aim is to be positive and lift the people up around you, as that is what will make people gravitate towards you.
Be smiley, talk about positive things and have an aura of positivity around you - positivity is always infectious!
The way you present yourself
Do you look like someone who cares about themselves?
The way you present yourself isn’t about vanity - it’s about looking comfortable and put together. People want to interact with others who look like they mean business, like they care about their presentation.
You should always dress appropriately for the environment you’re in and make yourself look put together - no low-cut tops and frizzy hair at a work function! And what’s more, when you feel good about yourself and the way you look, this will bring a newfound sense of confidence too!
It’s giving… confidence!
You came to this article looking to learn how you can make yourself stand out from the crowd and command attention wherever you go. Since reading, you have learnt what makes a person stand out, why it is important to do so and 8 ways in which you can exhibit the inner confidence you want to convey.
But what now?
At Stranded, we’re committed and built upon making women feel confident - whether that be on the inside or on the outside. We know that when women feel good about themselves, they can do anything!
Read more confidence-fueled blogs
If you found this blog helpful, you should read more from our confidence collection over on the Stranded Blog!
‘What Is Self Care? Top 6 Ways to Prioritise Your Confidence’ is a great article on learning how to heal and work on your inner confidence, whereas ‘How to be a Confident Woman’ discusses what it is to be a confident woman and present yourself as such.
Shop instant confidence
Sometimes we all need a little boost when it comes to feeling good and confident about ourselves. Stranded hair extensions are a great way to create that post-salon self-esteem boost, in seconds!
Shop our wide range of clip-in, ponytail and bun extensions, now!